What is a Virtual Weight Watchers Leader

So I am never going to be a leader in the eyes of Weight Watchers because I will never weigh 159lbs again. As you can imagine over 10 years I have learned every trick in the book. I have also shared, and taught many people how to make this program work. I am that member at every meeting offering suggestions but I sometimes feel that the leader would prefer that I didn't as some of my suggestions don't fit with the WW ideals.

So since I will never get the opportunity to be a leader and support members in the meeting room I am going to support y out here in our cyber meeting room. I am here to share my journey with those of you who need support and maybe a few good ideas to help you be successful.

My Weight Loss Journey

I am a Weight Watcher. I have been since 2000. In March 2000 I joined with a starting weigt of 198lbs and it took me 43 weeks to lose 33.2lbs. At that point I lost momentum and stopped going. In August of 2001, although I had only gained 2.2lbs, I joined again. Over the next 9 weeks I made my goal weight and maintained it for 6 weeks. Although I would never see that weight again, in 2001 this made me a lifetime member, FOREVER! I stopped going to the meetings and slowly started to gain and by the end of 2003 I had gained 20lbs, yuck. I joined again and lost 10lbs before getting pregnant with my first child. By the time I returned to WW in June 2005 I had a starting weight of 203lbs. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 43wks later I had lost 31lbs before I was pregnant again. Then I returned weighing 192lbs, argh, in February 2008. Over the next 23wks I lost 17lbs almost returning to my pre-pregnant weight before getting pregnant with my third and final baby. It was October 29, 2009 before I returned with a grand weight of 203.8lbs and now I am on my final journey to maybe not a ultimate goal weight but a good maintainable weight for me of 165lbs.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Activity Points; Get Moving

Activity Points are the points you get from exercise, housework or anything that gets your blood pumping ;). I probably underestimate the amount of points for the same reason I try not to use my weekly points, I am convinced I lose faster that way but I also don't get much of an opportunity to exercise with 3 kids 5yrs and under. I do plan on joining a gym in September when my oldest goes to school and my middle goes to preschool and I only have the baby to put into childcare because it is $35 a month to put all 3 in the gym care program.

This is my theory for activity points...you earn approximately 1 point for every 15 minutes of activity. If you earn 1 don’t use it but if you earn 2 or more points, use half towards a food high in protein. For example if you go to the gym or do housework for an hour you will earn 4 points. Use 2 of those for any egg, milk or 1/2 a Detour Protein Bar. Also include 250mls of water per 15 minutes of activity. I heard if you don't use your Activity Points your body will start to store fat instead of burn it. It’s called starvation mode. Of course you can use all the Activity Points you earn, it’s up to you.

I have started dancing with my kids in the morning or putting on music I like but playing a workout video on Mute. Start by doing butt crunches or suck in your belly at stop lights or spend commercials doing sit-ups or arm curls. Whatever you do get moving.

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