What is a Virtual Weight Watchers Leader

So I am never going to be a leader in the eyes of Weight Watchers because I will never weigh 159lbs again. As you can imagine over 10 years I have learned every trick in the book. I have also shared, and taught many people how to make this program work. I am that member at every meeting offering suggestions but I sometimes feel that the leader would prefer that I didn't as some of my suggestions don't fit with the WW ideals.

So since I will never get the opportunity to be a leader and support members in the meeting room I am going to support y out here in our cyber meeting room. I am here to share my journey with those of you who need support and maybe a few good ideas to help you be successful.

My Weight Loss Journey

I am a Weight Watcher. I have been since 2000. In March 2000 I joined with a starting weigt of 198lbs and it took me 43 weeks to lose 33.2lbs. At that point I lost momentum and stopped going. In August of 2001, although I had only gained 2.2lbs, I joined again. Over the next 9 weeks I made my goal weight and maintained it for 6 weeks. Although I would never see that weight again, in 2001 this made me a lifetime member, FOREVER! I stopped going to the meetings and slowly started to gain and by the end of 2003 I had gained 20lbs, yuck. I joined again and lost 10lbs before getting pregnant with my first child. By the time I returned to WW in June 2005 I had a starting weight of 203lbs. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 43wks later I had lost 31lbs before I was pregnant again. Then I returned weighing 192lbs, argh, in February 2008. Over the next 23wks I lost 17lbs almost returning to my pre-pregnant weight before getting pregnant with my third and final baby. It was October 29, 2009 before I returned with a grand weight of 203.8lbs and now I am on my final journey to maybe not a ultimate goal weight but a good maintainable weight for me of 165lbs.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

35 Points Weekly Extra Points

I have opposing opinions on this. I try to not use these because I want to lose faster but I don’t know if it actually helps or it is a hindrance to my diet. Am I actually losing weight faster because I don’t use more than half of those points per week or does it make a difference?

You can split the 35 points over the week with 5 per day or use them for special occasions only or not use them at all. I use them mostly for Friday/Saturday night take out and I see about a pound per week loss. Is there a better solution?

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